100% Occupied Strip Center in the Booming Logistics Hub of the West
Barstow Shops, a 100% leased, 7,136 square foot retail property located at 1356 – 1358 E. Main Street in Barstow, CA. The Property represents an opportunity to acquire a stabilized shopping center with a seasoned tenant roster at a basis that is well below replacement cost. Further, the market is poised to benefit from a significant expansion of the trade area’s economic base and increased population density over the medium term.
The 37% leased, 110,100 square foot, adjacent retail property located northeast of The Barstow Shops is also being offered for sale.
Investment Highlights
Attractive cost basis with a seasoned tenant base
100% Occupied strip center with below market rents
Prime visibility along Main Street
Committed tenant base with significant upgrade potential
Growing economy with existing demand
2,300+New jobs expected ear-Term
Strong retail fundamentals with built-in demand generators
BILLION-DOLLAR Economic investments in Barstow through BIG and Barstow Casino
Location Features
Unmatched access to a multi-state customer base
Outstanding location with superior access and visibility
Expanding economic base with impressive population growth